An Arm and a Leg: Kill shots almost always gib the target in some way, usually by blowing off an arm or a leg. Only the uppermost level(s), the Pinnacle, receive any sunlight. Always Night: Whether caused by the upper layers completely cutting off sunlight or any other reason, it's night all the time in the entire arcology, lit by neons and industrial lights only. If you want to learn the specifics of the various alien species, locations, and background events, you'll have to look them up in the in-game codex. All There in the Manual: The Ascent's lore is fairly comprehensive, but the game itself tells you next to nothing about it. Action Prologue: The prologue quest sends you on a trek through the arcology's underhive, fighting off waves of Ferals including a nasty Wakeup Call Boss near the exit, all before the title screen even appears. You can summon a pack of them using an Aug received after defeating one of the bosses. Action Bomb: Spider mechs, armed with a combined explosive/EMP warhead. Achievement Mockery: You get the Suicidal achievement for dying more than 100 times. Digital weapons shoot bad code, and are highly effective against robotic enemies. Abnormal Ammo: The Dismemberer special weapon launches massive ricocheting buzzsaws at the enemies. Gameplay trailers can be viewed here and here and here. And behind all this remains one major question: What happened to the Ascent Group and its AGI? Stuck between the various powers fighting to claim the arcology and its former owners' wealth, and the residents trying to seize the opportunity to be freed from indentured service. Now as gangs, mercenary groups and rival corporations all descend upon the arcology to pick clean the corpse of the Ascent Group, your character now finds themselves in the middle of all this. However one day, suddenly, the AGI running the corporation's affair goes unresponsive, and in a manner of seconds the Ascent Group's business is wiped out and they are bankrupt, leaving the Arcology with no owner, its staff with no more paychecks coming, no one to pay for the resources needed to keep the archology going. Your character is one such "indent", working out of Cluster 13 near the bottom of the Ascent Group's arcology as muscle. Forced to work until they work off their debts, inside the massive arcologies set up by each corporation. Instead they find themselves in indentured servitude to the various corporations who paid for their trip to Veles. On the planet Veles, many come from various worlds for a new life and opportunity. In the future, corporations fight each other on the market, affairs run so quickly each corporations have developed advanced Artificial General Intelligences to handle the massive numbers of transactions that keep the corporations afloat. It is Neon Giant's first released game after they were founded in 2018, and is built on the Unreal Engine. #THE ASCENT COSMODROME SIDE MISSION PC#
It was released on PC and Xbox Series X|S on Jand Mafor PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. That’s how you do stasis damage at the start.The Ascent is a mostly- isometric solo and co-op Action RPG developed by Neon Giant and published by Curve Games. The Double Charge side mission requires that you buy a Stasis Drone from the vendor.
I spent gun upgrade points on the Dominator (Mk 6) and Dread Rifle (Mk 5)) but now that I am a bit farther in, I would suggest saving more than upgrading once you get to ballistic, energy and heat weapons.You can perform great with the Dominator / Riot Shotgun / Dread rifle in the first 10-12 character levels of the game. Elemental damage comes into play **maybe** after the Empowerment main mission.The Dominator does good damage (with a huge clip) but slows you down when firing. The Dominator machine gun and the Dread Assault rufle are great all-around weapons in my opinion.Once you pick it up, it’s automatically equipped. The caveat is that you can do COSMODROME before AG VAULT. If your energy is full, use it to heal up when there are no health packs dropping. You basically use this to juggle heals using energy. Biometric Timestamp is a great augment for healing over time.Weapon upgrades are permanent - if you upgrade your Dominator to Mk2, it stays that way for all Dominators dropped.Sell all your duplicate weapons and armor.If you love to use your augments, max your energy (BODY BATTERY) next. This is because you will die a lot once enemies start shooting back. For skills, I highly suggest investing most if not all in max VITAL SIGNS first (20 points).Here are some quick tips in bullet points.